Padegoan Aurangabad

Padegoan Aurangabad -Situation tensed in Padegoan due to dispute between two Muslim groups in Padegoan Aurangabad

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Short Read: A minor dispute between two Muslim groups in Padegoan, Aurangabad, was quickly resolved by the police. DCP Nitin Bagate assured normalcy, and injured individuals were attended to at Ghati Hospital Aurangabad.

Padegoan Aurangabad news

Padegoan Aurangabad -In the Dilras Park Chawani area of Padegoan, a conflict erupted between two groups within the Muslim community over a minor issue, causing tension in the neighborhood. The situation became intense, prompting the intervention of the police, who swiftly took control and dispersed the crowd.

Padegoan Aurangabad news

DCP Nitin Bagate assured that the situation has returned to normal, and he urged the residents of Aurangabad not to be swayed by any rumours. The injured individuals were taken to GMCH Hospital in Aurangabad for medical attention.

Afsar Khan, showing concern for those who were injured, visited Ghati Hospital Aurangabad to meet and check on their well-being. The local authorities and police are working towards maintaining peace and ensuring the safety of the community in the aftermath of the incident.

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An expert in various domains like technology, insurance, cameras, photography, politics, entertainment, travel, news, and online money-making, Editor AS stands out as a skilled storyteller. With a focus on delivering accurate and timely news, Editor AS brings a wealth of experience in covering local events, community stories, and important issues. The aim is to share insightful, informative, and engaging content, keeping readers informed and updated.

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