Ramadan Time Table UAE 2024

Ramadan Time Table UAE 2024: An Comprehensive Guide for Observers

Ramadan Time Table UAE 2024, Ramadan 2024 Calendar

Ramadan time in UAE 2024, the devout Muslim community eagerly awaits the sacred month of fasting and spiritual reflection. As the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, Ramadan holds immense significance for Muslims worldwide, marking a period of prayer, fasting, and charitable acts. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the Ramadan time table for 2024 in UAE, providing detailed insights and essential information for observers.

Understanding Ramadan : Significance and Observance

Ramadan , also known as Ramadan, commemorates the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. It is a time of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and heightened devotion for Muslims.

During Ramadan, Muslims observe fasting from dawn to sunset, refraining from food, drink, and other physical needs. The fast is broken each evening with a meal called Iftar, symbolizing unity, gratitude, and community.

Ramadan Time Table UAE 2024, Ramadan 2024 Sehri and Iftar time

Disclaimer: This time table is for UAE Only.

Ramadan Time Table 2024: Key Dates and Timings

The exact commencement of Ramadan in UAE 2024 is determined by the sighting of the crescent moon, known as Hilal. This marks the beginning of the fasting month. The same is expected to start by March 11 or 12.

The fasting hours during Ramadan vary depending on the geographical location and time of the year. In UAE 2024, observers can expect to fast from dawn (Suhur) until sunset (Iftar), following the prescribed timings.

Iftar timings in UAE 2024 are crucial for observers eagerly awaiting the opportunity to break their fast. Communities come together for Iftar meals, fostering a sense of camaraderie and goodwill.

Taraweeh Prayers

Taraweeh prayers, performed nightly during Ramadan, hold special significance for Muslims. These additional prayers offer spiritual rejuvenation and reflection, enhancing the worship experience during the holy month.

Local mosques in UAE organize various programs and events throughout Ramadan, including Quran recitations, lectures, and community meals. These gatherings provide opportunities for spiritual growth and communal bonding.

Ramadan encourages acts of charity and compassion towards the less fortunate. Many organizations and individuals in UAE engage in charitable activities, such as distributing food, clothing, and financial assistance to those in need.

Tips for Observers

Stay Hydrated

Given the extended fasting hours, it is essential for observers to stay hydrated during the non-fasting hours. Consuming plenty of water and hydrating foods during Suhur and Iftar can help prevent dehydration.

Maintain a Balanced Diet

While it may be tempting to indulge in lavish meals during Iftar, it is crucial to maintain a balanced diet. Opt for nutritious foods that provide sustained energy and nourishment throughout the fasting period.

Practice Patience and Gratitude

Ramadan is a time for patience, self-discipline, and gratitude. Embrace the challenges of fasting with a positive attitude, and reflect on the blessings and privileges in life.

As Ramadan unfolds in UAE in 2024, let us embrace the spirit of unity, compassion, and devotion that define this sacred month. Through fasting, prayer, and acts of kindness, may we draw closer to our faith and experience the blessings of Ramadan.


How many days to Ramadan 2024?

4 Days for Ramadan to start. Ramadan is poised to begin either on March 11 or March 12, 2024, pending the auspicious moon sighting.

Dua after seeing Ramadan Moon

Allahumma Ahil Lahu Alaina Bil Amni Wal Imani Was Salamati Wal Islami Wat Taufiqi Lima Tuhibbu Wa Tarza Rabbi Wa Rabbukal Lah

Ramadan first roza 2024? first Ramadan 2024 in UAE

March 11 or March 12, 2024, Depending the auspicious moon sighting.

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