Aurangabad Rain

Aurangabad Rain -As foretold by the weather forecast, Aurangabad welcomed rain into the city.

The downpour began at 6 pm and gracefully continued till midnight. The amalgamation of winter and rain has been a source of joy for the locals.

Current Temperature In Aurangabad is 20°C.

The refreshing rainfall has brought a pleasant vibe to the city, making it a delightful experience for everyone. People have been enjoying the cool weather and the soothing sound of raindrops falling.

However, this unexpected rain might affect the prices of vegetables in the market. There’s a possibility that vegetable rates could rise due to the rain, impacting the availability and cost of fresh produce for the locals.

Aurangabad Rain

With the rain persisting until 1 am in the midnight, the humidity has surged significantly, soaring up to a notable 78%. The continuous winds accompanying the rain have sustained throughout the night, contributing to the prevailing dampness in the atmosphere.

The residents are relishing the beautiful weather while being mindful of the potential impact on vegetable prices. Despite this concern, the rain has brought a sense of freshness and joy to Aurangabad, with locals embracing the rare winter showers.

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Aurangabad Rain

By Editor AS

An expert in various domains like technology, insurance, cameras, photography, politics, entertainment, travel, news, and online money-making, Editor AS stands out as a skilled storyteller. With a focus on delivering accurate and timely news, Editor AS brings a wealth of experience in covering local events, community stories, and important issues. The aim is to share insightful, informative, and engaging content, keeping readers informed and updated.

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